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Sustainability is in The Air <3

Shopping sustainable is all about finding pieces that you love and will use for a very long time so DON'T RUSH! Remember to use our fun and use Slow Fashion Club's tips and tricks when buying ;)

Here's a fun quiz to take if you're wondering how sustainable you actually are! It is meant to be fun and playful so we hope that you have fun with our lighthearted quiz! There are many ways to be sustainable even in today's day and age when trash is just consuming all of us! Remember to stop by our meeting so you can learn more about it! Kaitlin Feinberg


You are What You Wear

This series is a self-portrait analyzing personal choices affected and influenced by society.  Over the course of a year, I was exposed to the horrible truths of consumerism and consumption.  We are concerned with what are putting in our bodies by saying "You are what you eat" but what about what we are putting on our bodies and the environment we live in. Being a fashion major I've realized the harmful effects of the materials we use and dispose of so quickly that we never value what we have.  We purchase unconsciously, praising these items that are soon to be trash. In these photos, I explore my emotions and feelings towards this with idea that "You are what you wear". If we are supporting businesses that practice the burning of unsold clothing & harmful and unethical production, aren't we just as bad? Reagan Kinsella


Fun Facts about Trash!

Could you imagine that just one year after your favorite shirt was made, it could be gone forever? Well, that’s what happens to three-fifths of all clothing items made! Clothing ends up in incinerators and landfills. Make sure your clothing has a loving home, and if it’s time to part with an item, make sure it’s next home isn’t in the trash. Paige Palazzi


Join Us!

When: Wednesday, February 20th @8pm Where: Morris Hall, Room 201

We meet biweekly so we'd love to see each and every one of you there every other Wednesday!

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